Sunday, 30 June 2013

Fantastic Four by Matt Fraction

I breezed through this trade which reprints Fantastic Four (2012) 1-3, FF (2012) 1- and material from Point One Vol. 2.

The reviews from both series had been good particularly FF(2102) which is drawn by Mike Allred and I did find the whole book a fun read. I will certainly be getting Vol 2 of both series as the stories diverge and hence the separate trade reprints.

Iron Man Masterworks Vol 7

Another Iron Man Masterworks volume has arrived to add to my collection. This reprints issues 26-38 some of which I do have the originals for.

I am still undecided on whether or not to purchase Volume 8. I have more than half of the originals of that volume but the ones I don't have are rare and expensive so the sensible option would be to purchase it.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

More Howard the Duck

I haven't forgotten about Howard and have been reading an issue or 2 in-between the various trades. I've now read issue 27 so just 3 more issues to go.

Number 24 was the first and only HtD I bought off the newstand. It didn't mean much to my 11 year old self, but I enjoyed it this time. In fact all these issues have been a good read. Less satire and more Howard trapped in a world he never made!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Flex Mentallo

OK. I've just finished this tonight.

Can someone explain it too me please?!

Loved, loved the art. Frank Quitely rocks so even though I wasn't really following the drug crazed plot, I sure enjoyed the purty pictures.

Methinks I will have to read again soon.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Doctor Strange: A Separate Reality

Some Doctor Strange at last! I've been reading comics for around 35 years and I don't think I've ever read a story JUST featuring Doc Strange.

This collection reprinting Englehart's and Brunner's 9 issue run is supposed to be one of the best. I bought it a few years ago and just this week I got the urge/ inspiration to read it. I guess it was brought on when I spotted the Marvel Masterworks reprinting the same issues. I would prefer to have the Masterworks reprint not only because it fits on my shelves better but the covers are reproduced at the start of each chapter.

The story finishes with Doc Strange (Vol. 2) issue 5, which I've actually had the original of for a fair number of years  (I am patient when it comes to reading my back-issues). I absolutely love this cover!

Anyway, considering this was a 1970s comic, focusing on magic etc. it was a good read. Brunner's art was stonking though. No doubt about it.

Now I've read it, I can bide my time for the softcover Masterworks which I calculate will come out some time around Nov 2019!!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Catwoman Vol. 2 by Brubaker

A new purchase this week at a bargain price of £12.15 from Amazon.

It won't be too long till I read this as I remember enjoying Vol. 1.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Marvel Team-Up #8: Just one more to go!

This particular issue is super scarce in the UK. It rarely comes up on ebay for sale so I was pleased to pick it up for £7 plus £1 p&p for (I reckon) a FN+ copy.

Just issue #23 to get and I have a complete run of 1-100.

Marvel Team-Up #49 was one of the first US comics I ever got back in 1976, so Team-Up has always had a special place in my collection.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Superman Kryptonite by Darwyn Cooke and Tim Sale

I breezed through this very quickly as it was so good and an easy read. Lovely pictures by Tim Sale as ususal.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Bargirl: Year One

I bought this recently because it was voted number 1 in the greatest Batgirl stories ever told on CBR.

It was a good read and continued the YEAR ONE, Long Halloweeen etc collection of stories. Marcos Martins art suited perfectly following on from Mazzuchelli and Sale.

Since buying this I've realised that a new printing of the 9 issue story is due out soon and it's collected with Robin Year One. Damn, now I have to buy that and then find a good home for this.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Marvel Masterworks: Iron Man Vol 6

A few weeks ago I was undecided about continuing with purchasing any more Iron Man  Masterworks.

This particular volume was hard-to-find and I was also reaching a period in the comics where I had some of the original issues which were included. Should I just purchase original issues? I would be more expensive in the long run and space requirements were an issue. Despite regular clear-outs I don't have much room in my comic boxes.

Well I've made my decision and will continue with Masterworks to volume 8 and sell my higher grade issues.

This particular volume which covers issues 14-25 is the limited edition. I just can't seem to find the regular edition anywhere. I've an order with Forbidden Planet International which maybe fulfilled if they can get stock in 5-6 weeks time but I didn't want to take the risk and so purchased this copy from Silver Acre off ebay for £50. BUT, just in case I do receive the regular edition, I've not taken the cling film type wrapping off this volume yet as it will make it more sellable.

There are lots of new Masterworks due to be published soon and my collection will look pretty impressive by the end of the year.

Avengers vol 5 (paperback) in July will complete my Avengers collection
Hulk vol 3 (paperback) in September will virtually mean I have a complete Hulk run
Thor vol 12 (hardcover) is due in Oct
Marvel Two-In-One vol 1(hardcover) due in Nov will cover those more expensive 2 in 1 issues I need.

Plus I will get Iron Man vols 7 & 8 very soon as they are already published!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Added to My Collection: A long Iron Man run

I picked up 10 issues of Iron Man from 1984 via ebay. £7.50 +P&P for the lot with an average grade of FN+ so pretty good.

Getting this lot has encouraged me to complete my Iron Man run in single format rather than any collections. There's still a fair number of issues to collection between 170 and 198 but there's pently out there and I have time to collect them.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Batman by Alan Davies in 1986

I love these comics. Inspired (yet again) to read old issues by posts on Bronze Age Babies I dug these issues out the comic boxes to re-read. Probably for the first time in 25 years. Yeah the story in a bit simplistic and features a more easy going Batman than would become prevalant later in the decade, but the art and fun which shine in these issues make them treasured possessions!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Moon Over Soho

I've just finished the second book for this month and the second Ben Aaronovitch. Slightly better than the first but there was lots of characters (as is typical in a mystery I guess) which made it (very) slightly difficult to follow.