Friday, 29 November 2013

The Great Lakes Avengers

The Great Lakes Avengers debuted in West Coast Avengers #46 which is a cracking issue by John Byrne.

Actually reading this issue made me want to read the rest of his run even though he's not very kind to the Vision and the Scarlet Witch.

Anyway Dan Slott took this odd bunch of characters and wrote a 4 issue mini-series where they actually save the world but not without suffering a few casualties along the way. This was one of Slott's more humour orientated books but the drama works to.

I'd picked this up having had it recommended on the greatest Dan Slott stories ever told last May pretty cheap. It was well worth it.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Hawkeye Oversized Vol 1

This had been pre-ordered for so long I was keen to get to it and see what all the fuss was about. Well it's good stuff but typically it's always difficult to live up to the hype.

I did really appreciate the art by David Aja though. Some great design and layouts and more than a hint of Mazzuccelli about his work which is high praise indeed.

This was a nice package containing 12 issues and I'm pleased I waited for it in this format.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Hawkeye and Legends of the Dark Knight Jim Aparo volume 2

These two hardcover collections arrived this week - both look very nice when flicking through.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

In the Shadow of Yavin

I must say I was disappointed by this after hearing so much hype about it.

On the positive side, the plot was interesting and the spaceship art was impressive.

On the negative side, Wood's style of narration felt weird to me (in particular his liking of putting caption boxes at the end of the scene rather than at the beginning)

I also felt all the human characters looked too similar. Some good art on the alien races.

At the moment I am undecided as to whether or not to continue with the series. I want to (it's Star Wars and our Edge of the Empire Roleplaying has certainly made SW the flavour of the month) but for a 6 issue series it took me too long to read - which says quite a bit!)

Two new trades

I thought I should purchase the first trade of Batwoman with J.H. Williams on art before reading the one I bought the other week.

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers was a bit of an impulse buy but it looks kinda fun and it was cheap.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

A mixed lot of new purchases. Asterix, Star Wars and Morning Glories

Some new trades delivered courtesy of the postman and Amazon. I've still to read Vol 4 of Morning Glories so will probably wait until early next year when I've purchased Vol 6 to read all 3 consecutively.

Star Wars Vol 1 is supposed to capture the feel of the first movies and having played a bit of SW RPG in the last week I fancy reading this very soon.                               

I've also purchased my first new Asterix book in years. It's the brand new one not by Uderzo! Shock Horror. What will it be like? I'll find out soon!