Thursday 26 December 2013

Whispers Underground by Ben Aaronovitch

This is the third in the Peter Grant (what if Harry Potter became a policeman sorta series). I read the first two earlier this year. See here and here if you don't believe me!

An enjoyable read. Some laugh-out-loud moments and likeable characters. A bit too many characters for me to keep track of reading this over the last few weeks but I just let the details of the plot wash over me and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Marvel Tales by Alan Davis

I bought and read this because it's actually Alan Davis doing a Clandestine story using major Marvel heroes annuals as a vehicle.

Unfortunately, although  the art is the usual Davis superb standard - the story just didn't grab me on first reading. It might if I read this at the end of re-reading the various mini-series featuring the Clandestine characters.

A near miss at the moment though. :-(

Monday 2 December 2013

Triumph & Torment

The main story in this trade collection is a reprinting of the Roger Stern / Mike Mignola graphic novel staring Doom and Strange called "Triumph & Torment".

It's a great story and will be worth re-reading one day.

I also really enjoyed the short reprint from an old Amazing Adventures by Conway and Colan featuring ol' Doom using magic to try to free his mum's soul from hell.

I solid and worthwhile acquisition.