Saturday, 26 April 2014

Batwoman by J.H. Williams III

I'd read so much positive stuff about this series that I decided to give it a go. Well, I'm very pleased I did. The artwork is original and fantastic and the story zips along at a brisk pace too.

I'll order Vol 2 (of the New 52) series soon.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Lots of New Purchases

Had a bit of a splurge recently.

Lots to read here - but my wish list is greatly reduced!

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Power Girl - Power Trip

This meaty trade collected 17 issues, 11 of which I'd read only last year but very happy to read again.

It's great value for a great collection of comics.

All Star Western - Jonah Hex in the new 52

I also breezed through this this week.

Not as fun as Power Girl - maybe that's the art - but fast paced and crazy. It was good but at the current time I'm not inclined to rush out and get Vol 2. I've loads to read at the moment and must try and show some restraint.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

FF Vol 2 Family Freakout

I can't believe it was last August when I read vol 1 and I've only just got vol 2.

With my policy of no Marvel stuff in 2014 it will be some time before I get to read this but I hope I'll have vol 3 by then. In fact, I hope I'll have the complete Matt Fraction run on Fantastic Four and FF so I can enjoy the whole story. Flicking through this - it looks very interesting. Just loving Allred's art style.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Two More Masterworks - Cap and X-Men

My Masterwork collection has now spilled onto two shelves of my bookcase. But it's nearly complete.

The Cap Masterworks means I've completed that run and I "need" Vols 1 and 4 to complete the X-Men.

Then it's Daredevil and the first vol of Doc Strange and I'm done. Or at least until the next Hulk (July 2015 by my calculation)