Monday, 28 November 2016

The New Teen Titans trade Vol 2

I'm going to crack-on with reading these collections in-between some other stuff.

NTT vol 2 was better than vol 1. I think I'm getting used to Marv Wolfman's style on the series and also, of course, the characters.

Perez's art is just astounding!

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Some very nice collections

Some very sweet additions to my bookshelves.

The Dark Knight Returns deluxe slipcase edition is a straightforward reprinting of the original issues but oversized and each issue is hardcover. And all contained in a nice slipcase. Lovely.

The Doctor Strange epic collection reprints lots more issues than the trade collection I read in 2013 and in a better format with proper cover reproductions etc. I didn't have to wait until 2019 as I thought back then.

Finally, another oversized collection by Moebius. I didn't have anything my this comics master and I was keen to try him out as what I've seen of this art I've always loved. Can't wait to see what this is like.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Added to My Collection: Marvel Two-In-One

I've got a few "missing" issues of Two-In-One which, when I get them all, will mean I have 1-75.

These two issues which came in the one ebay auction leave just 2 more to get. Numbers 13 and 18. I know these won't be classics but it was sort of nagging me that they were missing.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Doctor Strange Movie

The family went to watch this on Sunday evening (the opening weekend in the UK)

The story was a bit weak as it was hampered by also being an origin story but the effects and performances were spot-on.

Enjoyable nontheless and it will be interesting to see how Doc interacts with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Giant-Size Spider-man No. 2 and 3

These are two comics from 1974 which I'd not read before. The stories are definitely not classics but they were fun. The best part was seeing "new" Ross Andru Spidey art because, as I've said on this blog before, Ross Andru  was my first Spidey artist and as a result his portrayal is one of my favourites.