Monday, 18 March 2019

Captain Marvel movie

It's amazing to think that this is the 21st movie in what has become widely known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 21 films!? And they have almost taken over the box office in the process. 9 year old me would never have believed it.

This is another strong addition to the collection. It's not the best but still a fine movie and a better than average origin story.

Not long to wait until Avengers Endgame where Carol will apparently make quite a difference.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Furthest Station

I was away in London for a couple of nights last weekend, so what better time to read this Peter Grant novella by Ben Aaronovitch with its London setting and the the Tube used as a plot device.

Again an enjoyable read but I do sometimes find myself wondering how the plot moves along. Perhaps a second reading would make things clearer and I probably will one day when the series concludes.

The latest book has now been published but I'm happy to wait until I can pick the kindle version up for a good price.