Saturday 26 May 2012

Wolverine Battles The Hulk

After some delay, it's time to read some more back issues. I'm reading the Spider-man titles but lately it's been the Hulk which has been the key ongoing title of which I am reading the back issues. That's partly because I'm up to the 290s on Amazing which is well into the era when I was buying the title(s). These Hulks from the 1970s are new to me.

What I've read today was this prestige reprinting of Incredible Hulk issues 180 and 181 which are notiable because they are the first appearances of Wolverine and the originals are incredibly expensive for what are actually quite average stories. I have to admit, Wolvie was different from the start. Quite reckless and crazy and not a little interesting. I hope to read upto issue 200 or so before putting the Hulk to one side again and move to something different.

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