Saturday 2 February 2013

Another week of New Stuff

I've purchased some different stuff this week.

First up are two Dave Stevens hardcovers which basically reprint his entire comics related material. That's such a shame because that man could draw! Especailly pretty girls although his longest (and best known) comic is "The Rocketeer" which is about an escape artist/ adventurer.

The Covers and Stories reprints his none Rocketeer work and has lots of full page illustrations which are just beautiful to look at.

Adam Hughes wrote the introduction to "Covers and Stories" as he was highly influenced by Stevens and it was really just a co-incidence that I also bought his book "Cover Run" which is a hardback, oversized collection re-printing his best DC covers. I've got his Justice League comics where he did the covers and art but his later career has focused on doing covers and this is (again) a lovely book to flick through.

I also got my first actual, proper comics of the year as I won Captain America 183-185 on ebay (all 99p). This leaves me with just number 186 to get to finish the Steve Englehart run.

So quite a busy week of purchasing. But still no book to review! I've been busy painting figures, watching Homeland (S1) and playing with Manga Studio so progress on the book I'm reading can only be described as slow and steady.

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