Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Summary of 2013!

As I have mentioned on occasion - this blog is to help me try to keep to a "promise" of only buying as much as I'm reading.

LOL. I wish I could keep it. Although I've improved slightly from my six month progress report, the numbers are still bad.

The numbers (brackets are the 6 month figures);

New back-issues purchased      (30) 30
New trade collections                 (44) 51
New copies of Masterworks  & Omnibus editions     (6) 24

Back-issues read                       (19) 39
Trades read                                 (19) 23
 Masterworks read                      0
 Books (novels)                            (3) 6

AND: Movies watched at the cinema (3)  4 plus Hobbit 2 Desolation of Smaug which I watched in December (twice!) and forgot to blog!

So good on books and I've read a fair amount of Star Wars Edge of the Empire roleplaying material too.

But definitely going to cut down on the purchases.

This year I am going to concentrate on non-Marvel universe material for my reading pile which means I'll be fresh to start from the beginning sometime in early 2015

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