Wednesday, 28 May 2014

New Purchases

It's that time when I can order new stuff and this lot arrived via Amazon yesterday.

Side note: Amazon seems to be getting more expensive for trades these days. The Book Despository is often cheaper although Amazon packaging is slightly more robust. This lot were about the same price at both outlets so I went with Amazon for the packaging. Saying that, I've just ordered some stuff from Forbidden Planet online which seems cheaper even with postage costs added.

Back to this order, I'm continuing to get the Bawoman series and the Judge Dredd is just what I want as it's nice hardcover collections of classic stories in colour. It's a lovely package. This is Vol 1 of Classics and I'm sure I'll buy more.

Another side note: I'm in the middle of a novel at the moment which is taking me longer than anticipated to finish (although I am enjoying it). Looking back at what I've bought I'm thinking I'm going to have to revise my plans for starting Marvel from FF#1. I'm guessing I'm going to have to move it back to Jan 2016 rather than 2015. That will give me time to finish all the cool DC stuff I've on my read pile and those Marvel Omnibuses I'm buying - two more due this year. Phew!

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