Saturday, 3 March 2018

All my Harley Quinn

The reason I've not posted much at all so far this year is that I've been waiting until I finished all my Harley Quinn books by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.

I've now finished all eight. Six deluxe editions reprinting the main series and 2 spin-offs.

Generally, the series was very good. Lighthearted stories, always well told with witty scripts and nice art. And some fantastic Amanda Conner covers too.

The stories were'nt particularly dramatic but the charming and interesting characters made the series enjoyable.

The two spin-offs were perhaps even more fun. The team do Power Girl so well and the interaction between her and Harley was very enjoyable. This concept was taken further with Harley's Little Black Book which was basically a team-up book. Except for the Green Lantern team-up this 40 page stories were especially fun.

I think is only half of the Palmiotti/ Conner output as the series then progressed to the New 52 but more importantly, DC stopped publishing the deluxe HCs - so I stopped buying. I have got some of this New 52 material in digital format but I haven't read any just yet. After 2 1/2 months of Harley craziness, it's time for something different.

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