Saturday, 23 June 2018

Jim Starlin's Thanos Saga

Inspired by Infinity War and the fact that I have all the comics from Starlin's original saga from the 1970s - I thought I'd read them!

It all starts with his first appearance in Iron Man #55 but then moves to Captain Marvel where Thanos gets hold of the cosmic cube and CM goes all cosmic and aware!

Thanos is actually defeated at the conclusion of the story in issue #33

Strangely the story also includes a few issues Daredevil - basically because Moondragon, also of Titan, is introduced.

and an issue of Avengers with a classic cover.

After the conclusion of his CM run, Starlin moved onto Warlock (Strange Tales and then published under Warlock's own name)

I decided to read that from the beginning as it all ties-in eventually.

 There was some great Starlin art in those issues.

Eventually the story concludes in two 1977 Annuals.

And that was that for a few years. Some classic issues in that run.

So, for a change, I've got to read plenty of original issues (27 altogether).

Back to Teen Titans next.

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