Sunday, 3 November 2019

Joker The Bronze Age Omnibus

I've gotten out of the habit of posting recently mainly because I'm not buying many comics or collections or getting the time to read the stuff I already have, My reading time has been spent on RPG books and sometime the latest Robin Hobb trilogy which I'm halfway through,

I did buy this a few weeks ago when it first came out. Some of the stories I already had but there is a good amount of new Bronze Age Batman related material for me to get my teeth into when I eventually get the time to read these collections.

It's a nice looking book too which is well put together. I'm fine that it doesn't match the style of the other Omnibus editions as it's a character themed collection rather than a title. Just like the Diana Prince edition I got at the beginning of the year.

One last point, it seems strange NOT to have any omnibus editions on pre-order. I'm really running short of room and, to be honest with myself, I've probably got enough DC collections for me to have a good idea what DC was like in the silver and bronze age. I do have two more books due before the end of the year though. These are a bit different from anything I've bought before. More on them soon.

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Batman Ego and Other Catwoman Tails

I've been wanting to read "Ego" by Darwyn Cooke for a bit and decided to give it a go as a change of pace from Bronze Age Conan stories.

Also "Ego" was good I preferred "Selena's Big Score" which was also included in the collection. That led me to continue reading Catwoman stories and I've now finished Vol 2 of Catwoman by Ed Brubaker.

Although Darwyn Cooke is no longer on art, these were still great stories and just proves what a fantastic writer Brubaker is.

Spider-man: Far from Home


Awesome movie. I just loved this.

Mysterio in a film. AND done well.

New Omnibus Purchases

It's well past time to catch-up on this blog with What I've been buying, reading and watching.

First up are two Marvel Omnibus volumes the second of which is very close to the perfect book for me.

The Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus Vol 1 is a companion to Conan the Barbarian Omnibus I bought early on this year. It's another big book, full of stories that I've never read and a real interesting purchase for me.

John Buscema's art also looks fantastic in black and white.

By the way, I've read about half of the CtB omni. It's good but a little bit "samey" when reading one issue right after another and so after 13-14 issues I felt I needed a little break before resuming.

The second omnibus is Amazing Spider-man volume 4. This is just perfect.

The issues reprinted include my first ever Spider-man purchased story and so many other Bronze-Age classics which captured my imagination and made me a Spidey fan for life.

So even though I've all the originals of these issues (except for #129 1st Punisher) I just felt I had to get this and I absolutely love going through it. I guess it will help keep my originals in better condition.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Mister Miracle by Tom King

This run has been getting a lot of rave reviews recently and so I thought I'd give it a go after enjoying Tom King's vision run. I bought it a couple of months ago but thought I'd read it sooner rather than later as it is currently "flavour of the month" and it made a nice change from the Conan omnibus I am also currently reading.

I'm not sure that I totally got this to be honest. I was enjoying it but the ending seemed a bit anti-climatic so I'm wondering if I really understood what was going on.

Some nice art by Mitch Gerads and some neat observations on the trials of being a new parent.

Avengers: Endgame

The family went to see this on the opening day.  Well worth it and could well be my favourite although I'll reserve judgement until I've seen it a few more times.

The plot, which is probably full of holes if held under scrutiny, was fun, surprising and emotional.

A great end to the MCU Infinity Saga.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Captain Marvel movie

It's amazing to think that this is the 21st movie in what has become widely known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 21 films!? And they have almost taken over the box office in the process. 9 year old me would never have believed it.

This is another strong addition to the collection. It's not the best but still a fine movie and a better than average origin story.

Not long to wait until Avengers Endgame where Carol will apparently make quite a difference.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Furthest Station

I was away in London for a couple of nights last weekend, so what better time to read this Peter Grant novella by Ben Aaronovitch with its London setting and the the Tube used as a plot device.

Again an enjoyable read but I do sometimes find myself wondering how the plot moves along. Perhaps a second reading would make things clearer and I probably will one day when the series concludes.

The latest book has now been published but I'm happy to wait until I can pick the kindle version up for a good price.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Rain Wild Chronicles Conclusion

Last  night I finished the last book of Robin Hobb's Rain Wild Chronicles. Whilst the story maybe not as strong as some of her previous efforts, the characters were still interesting enough to make this a worthwhile read.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Conan the Barbarian Omnibus Vol 1

I finally received my DM edition of this omnibus. I was happy to pay a little more to Forbidden Planet to get this as the regular version (which I'd actually pre-ordered from Amazon but then cancelled when this arrived) had an absolutely dreadful cover. I mean rally bad.

I was happy with a cover which reprints the cover to issue 1

Back-in-the-day, I didn't read Conan as I was very much into Marvel superheroes, so I've only previously read a small amount of Conan in the Marvel Treasury edition. So this a good value purchase for me as well as being a lovely collection.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Wonder Woman: Diana Prince Omnibus

This omnibus has just been published and it's a bit of a curiosity because it covers the time Wonder Woman was de-powered and fought crime as if she was a secret agent. These issues were originally published in the late 1960s and early 70s.

This will be interesting to read and it's nice to have some Bronze Age Wonder Woman to read.

The first of a few Omnibus editions I've on order for the first half of 2019!