It was a bit like Christmas today with so much arriving in the post. Iron Man Masterworks bought from the Book Depository, approx £5 cheaper than Amazon, kicked off things but I also got what was a massive ebay win/parcel. It was all won from the same seller over a couple of nights.
This win was so big, I'm not going to post all the covers. First off a Marvel Two-In-One run from 20 -31 in VFN condition. A bargain at £6.17.

Then there was a run of Chris Claremont's New Mutants 1-15, 18, 19 and Special #1 by Art Adams. £9.50 to me!
I've a few issues of both of these runs but they are still both worth it. The duplicates will go back on ebay.
And finally The Ballard of Halo Jones by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson in the original over-sized Titan Editions from the 1980s reprinting the 2000AD strip. Vols 1 - 3 set me back £13.02 but as they are now unavailable and are in great condition I'm glad my high bid was high enough. This is supposed to be good early stuff from Moore so I am looking forward to reading it.
Very happy with all this!
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