Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #36
(Nov 1979)
(writer: Bill Mantlo/ art: Mooney and Esposito)
I've been continuing my re-reading of all my Spidey comics in chronological order (or as close as you can get it in comics time) which means that after reading Amazing #200 I've switched to Peter Parker. This was second of the three Spidey mags being published at that time - the other being Marvel Team-Up. As the latter was generally "Spidey meets other hero and bashes a villian" I'm not re-reading those as they generally did not affect continuity. (Although I did read the first 20+ issues in Essential Marvel Team-Up as I'd not previously read those)
This issue of PPSM and the issue 37 form a two-part story featuring Pete at college as he's just starting his teaching assistant job at Empire State University. Although writer Bill Mantlo has never been regarded as one of Marvel's best in the 70's or 80's - I've always liked him. I found his stories clear, logical, easy to follow and he kept the sub-plots moving along nicely from issue to issue. He was probably not as flashy or as adventuress as his contemporaries which may explain his lack of stardom.

Anyway this issue features a typical corny villain - Swarm - whose body is made up of killer bees. They don't like Spiders!
This issue was also my first introduction to Debra Wrightman back in 1979. She's recently returned in Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man.
Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #37
(writer: Bill Mantlo/ art: Mooney & Marcos)
In issue #38, Spidey has to enter the hive to stop Swarm and the Queen Bee from producing millions of killer bees which would take over New York. Mantlo produces a nice tidy resolution and Jim Mooney (usually known for his inking) does a resonable job on the art.
Overall a good, solid two parter. 7.5/10.
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