Five quick reviews tonight....
Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man #17
by Peter David and Todd Nauck
Whoah! Just reading the first few pages of this comic took me back to 1985 and reading Spidey in his black costume. Issue #17 is part of the Black In Black storyline where Pete switches back to his black costume in order to prove and demonstrate that he's no longer the man he once was following the events of Civil War.
Together with #18 by the same creative team these issues make-up Parts 1 and 2 of "Sandblasted" where Spidey and the Sandman get together to find the alternative reality Uncle Ben featured in earlier issues.
The story is a bit complex and I'll have to skim read those issues to remind myself what happened but these issues were OK with a fairly original plot.
Rating 7.5 for both.
Eternals #7 by Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr completed the limited series. Whilst I enjoyed the story I must admit that none of the characters were interesting enough for me to continue with the book if it had been an on-going series. The story reached a logical conclusion and JR Jr's art was as good as it always is but there was something missing from the drama of it all.
My favourite moment actually came from Sersi's meeting with Tony Stark.
A crap cover by Rick Berry. This series deserved better in my opinion. Why have variants at all except to make money?
Rating 7/10
From a crap cover to a great one. Check out Greg Horn's cover!
Ms. Marvel #12 by Brian Reed and Roberto De La Torre.
This cover was the only thing good about this issue. I thought that issue #11 had been a slight improvement bu this was a big step back.
So I'll pick up the next 2 issues with a different artist which cover the aftermath of Civil War and Ms Marvel leading the Mighty Avengers and then I will drop this title. At least until Reed goes.
Rating 3/10. (10/10 for that cover though!)
Powers #23 by Bendis and Oeming was the best comic out of the 5 reviews tonight even though it was a bizarre issue.
Walker gets visited by the devil? He's been alive since the dawn of time? Did we know this? (I bet it was in the trade " Vol 7: Forever" that I haven't got - will rectify soon!) and Deena makes a startling discovery. As you do.
Unpredictable as ever and a great read. However my language takes a dip after reading an issue of Powers! I wonder if this affects anybody else? How many swear words can Bendis fit into one issue?
Rating 8/10.
Ms. Marvel #12 by Brian Reed and Roberto De La Torre.
This cover was the only thing good about this issue. I thought that issue #11 had been a slight improvement bu this was a big step back.
So I'll pick up the next 2 issues with a different artist which cover the aftermath of Civil War and Ms Marvel leading the Mighty Avengers and then I will drop this title. At least until Reed goes.
Rating 3/10. (10/10 for that cover though!)
Powers #23 by Bendis and Oeming was the best comic out of the 5 reviews tonight even though it was a bizarre issue.
Walker gets visited by the devil? He's been alive since the dawn of time? Did we know this? (I bet it was in the trade " Vol 7: Forever" that I haven't got - will rectify soon!) and Deena makes a startling discovery. As you do.
Unpredictable as ever and a great read. However my language takes a dip after reading an issue of Powers! I wonder if this affects anybody else? How many swear words can Bendis fit into one issue?
Rating 8/10.
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