Good points about this issue.
- JR Jr's art.
- Spidey's costume getting soaked in brine during a fight and later making him itch.
- Spidey's plan to defeat the Mariner.
Bad points
- The Sub-Mariner (I just don't like his pompous attitude)
- Pete needing Aunt May to remind him to do the right thing (yet again)
- The silly plot (and I know that this is relative).
Rating 6/10

Amazing Spider-man #212 by Denny O'Neil and John Romita Jr.
Good points:
- The Cover!
- John Romita's art
- The Hydro-man
- The Hydro-man's origin and subsequent search for Spidey
- JJJ being enchanted by Deb Whitman
- The way Spidey defeats Hydro-man
Bad Points
- Pete dumping Deb to go web-spinning yet again.
All in all, a far better issue than #211. The Hydro-man is a good creation of O'Neils and O'Neil obviously recognises this as he takes up a large proportion of this issue. Nice to see JJJ back too.
Rating 8/10
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