In this issue the Illuminati go back and "stop" the Beyonder of Secret Wars II. What crap. It just doesn't make sense that the whole Secret Wars II was just a figment of the Beyonder's imagination. That series tied into most of the Marvel titles at the time. I seem to recall that his appearance had a profound effect on Spidey and I'm sure that the events have been refer to since - so they must have happened!
So utter bollocks. I can't accept that this is true.
The art by Jim Cheung was alright though.
Rating 3/10 (for the art).

Much better (as expected) was Captain America #27 by Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting and Mike Perkins.
I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it, I'm sure this will read better as a trade but I'm still enjoying getting a monthly dose of Brubaker (I get Daredevil in trade and will do the same with Criminal).
One surprise in this issue was that Bucky/ Winter Soldier and the Black Widow used to get it on. How old is Natasha anyway - I'll have to refresh myself on her on the Marvel website.
Rating 7.5/10
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