Nobody trusts each other and they can't agree with what to do with the body.
The dialogue was alright but I'm really not enjoying the art. It might suit a gritty book like DD but it's really not the right style for a big team book in my opinion. This pulls down the quality of the book by some degree.
Rating 5/10

Still a good recommendation from the "Buy Pile" column on CBR.
Rating 8/10

I picked-up both issues 1 and 2 and it's certainly a frenetic read with some witty and sharp dialogue. The plots not tremendously original but I'll keep with it for a while longer. Hopefully, it will go in some new and original directions!
Rating 7.5/10
The final comic is Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man # 22 by Peter David and Todd Nauck.
Although packaged between a pretty boring cover the story had some nice ideas but the best was left to the end. Pete is going to have it out with JJJ. I can't wait.
I've a sneaking feeling that Peter David has been looking forward to writing it too. I hope he doesn't disappoint.
Rating 7.5/10
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