Saturday, 30 June 2012

6 months..progress?

I thought it would be interesting (for me) to assess how many comics, books and trades I've read compared to what I've bought as we reach the halfway point in the year

The numbers;

New back-issues purchased      26
New trade collections                 9
New copies of Masterworks       7

Back-issues read                       44
Trades read                                 7
Books (novels)                            2 (and 100 pages of my current Robin Hobb)

AND: Movies watched at the cinema    3

OK, the Robin Hobbs I've read this year are @700 pages each and been pretty meaty but most books are these days, but it looks to me like I'm buying more than I'm reading.

Looking at my budget I'm planning on purchasing 2-3 trades or masterworks each month for the rest of the year, I need to get a bit quicker or make more more time for my reading to at least break-even.

To be fair though I am catching up with my masterwork collecting and my back-issue list is fairly small these days so, with a big effort, I hope by the end of the year I will be reading more than I'm buying.

Looking forward to getting the following in the next few months

Morning Glories Vol 3
Fatale by Brubaker
Iron Man Vol 9
Star Wars Agent of Empire
Tomb of Dracula Vol 1
Thor Masterworks vols 10 and 11
Cap America Masterworks Vol 2
Iron Man Masterworks Vol 2
Rex Mundi Omnibus Vol 1

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