Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Bank Holiday reading

 It's a double Jubilee Bank-Holiday which has given me more time to read my Incredible Hulk back-issues. All of these are from 1975 and by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe.

I love the cover to No. 189 and it's an issue I've been waiting years to read have seen the cover on adverts for superhero merchendise in comics from the late 1970s.

It was a good issue too. The highlight of these particularly 6 issues.

I'm missing issue 190 but it seems to be a rare one  as I've not seen it on EBay very often and when it is, it's not cheap.

Some great Bonze Age covers here.


Issue 193 featuring Doc Samson is the last one of Herb Trimpe's long stint on the title. I've got to say the quality of the art varied considerably. Herb was certainly a decent storyteller but sometimes the pictures weren't too pretty. However, he finished on a high as Joe Staton's inks worked well.  Onwards to a new era..the great Sal Buscema!


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