Thursday 18 April 2013

Crazy time in London Comic Shops

 I had another business trip to London a couple of days ago and I got to visit both Forbidden Planet and Mega City Comics whilst I was there. I picked up 4 trades/ collections all for cheaper than I could have got them on Amazon.

The sale at FP again yielden results with this SHIELD hardcover "Agents of Tomorrow" by Hickman.

 Flex Mentallo always gets rave reviews on CBR but they all seem to worship Grant Morrison. What sold this for me was Frank Quitely's art which is amazing. This deluxe edition is very hard to find so I snapped it up when I saw it in Mega City.
 Recent posts have included stuff by Darwyn Cooke and although he didn't draw this story Tim Sale is a more than adequate substitute. On sale at less than a tenner? Yes please!
I also picked up Vol 4 of Dark Horse's reprints of the original Star Wars comics by Marvel. This is crazy stuff but worth it for £10 and having resisted first time round at FP I went for it this time. If they still have Vol 5 in the sale next time I am there then I'll bring that home too.

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