Thursday 25 April 2013

New Purchases Galore

 I am having to blog more regularly to keep up with my new purchases recently. My goal of buying less than I am reading is well beyond reach at the present time. There are a few factors to blame for this. My trips to London for one and alos CBRs's greatest stories of all time series.

I really value the sites where I find out about cool comics from the past I missed and these features listing stories are a real treat. Of course, as soon as I read about stuff I investigate the net to see if I can get it! This trade of "Generations" from 1999 was the only copy I could find. It was listed as in "good nick" on ebay and I can't disagree. Definitely well read but complete. This particular story was highly placed in both the best Elseworlds stories and the best Superman stories. And it's by John Byrne who was a favourite of mine for a long time.

I did say I was going to look out for more Iron Man Masterworks. Just like the Superman/Batman book above, this hardback edition is quite rare and getting expensive. That's why I plonked down £30 for this copy from Amazon Market place. I will still try and get Vol 5 very soon too.

I haven't forgotten by actual comic collection either despite the number of trades and hardcovers I have bought recently. But there are not that many on my wants list and those that are are hard to get at a good price. These two issues of Team-Up were an exception priced at 99p and £1.04 respectively.

This isn't the end of the spending spree..more stuff on the way. Oh my giddy aunt!

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