With last part of Civil War being published this week I made time to get to Forbidden Planet to pick up the last issue along with my other regular titles. I bought:
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man 17
Amazing Spider-man 538
Civil War 7
She-Hulk 16
Astonishing X-Men 20
Wolverine:Origins 11
Ms. Marvel (2006) 12
Fantastic Four : The End 5
Hulk 103
Squadron Supreme (2006): Hyperion vs Nighthawk 2
Powers Vol. 2 23
New Avengers:Illuminati (2006) 2
New Avengers 27
I had to read both Civil War and Amazing Spider-man straightaway as I've been worried I might read a spoiler on the net by accident. My comments below will contain spoilers by-the-way!
I've got to say I was disappointed how Civil War ended but I like the new world order which has been established in the Marvel Universe. The Initiative looks a interesting idea.
But Cap was soooo lame - surrendering because of the danger to civilians. What was he thinking anyway taking on the pro-registration heroes face on anyway? That wouldn't change the law! Breaking out the captured heroes from the negative zone obviously was a good idea but not taking on the others. Considering the build-up and how much I enjoyed the previous issues this was a let down. McNiven's art was good though and as I said - the end result could be interesting and it's nice to see Marvel changing things. Rating 6/10
In Amazing Spider-man #538 by by J.M. Straczynski and Ron Garney Aunt May gets shot!
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man 17
Amazing Spider-man 538
Civil War 7
She-Hulk 16
Astonishing X-Men 20
Wolverine:Origins 11
Ms. Marvel (2006) 12
Fantastic Four : The End 5
Hulk 103
Squadron Supreme (2006): Hyperion vs Nighthawk 2
Powers Vol. 2 23
New Avengers:Illuminati (2006) 2
New Avengers 27
I had to read both Civil War and Amazing Spider-man straightaway as I've been worried I might read a spoiler on the net by accident. My comments below will contain spoilers by-the-way!
I've got to say I was disappointed how Civil War ended but I like the new world order which has been established in the Marvel Universe. The Initiative looks a interesting idea.
But Cap was soooo lame - surrendering because of the danger to civilians. What was he thinking anyway taking on the pro-registration heroes face on anyway? That wouldn't change the law! Breaking out the captured heroes from the negative zone obviously was a good idea but not taking on the others. Considering the build-up and how much I enjoyed the previous issues this was a let down. McNiven's art was good though and as I said - the end result could be interesting and it's nice to see Marvel changing things. Rating 6/10
In Amazing Spider-man #538 by by J.M. Straczynski and Ron Garney Aunt May gets shot!
For a lady's who has died before that probably isn't a problem but I just think that this time it might be something serious. We will see. The main story showed the big battle in the end of Civil War whilst the Kingpin's assassin lies in-wait for Pete with MJ and Aunt May in his sights. The stage is set for "Back in Black". Rating 6/10 as well.
I've also received Captain America Winter Soldier Vol 2 the other day. It may be a few weeks before I can get round to reading these but already I can't wait judging by how much I enjoyed Brubaker's Daredevil. It's nice having things to look forward to.
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