This is billed as the sequel to Revenge of the Sith but it actually starts halfway through the events of that film with the execution of Order 66. It follows a number of Jedi who survive the order and how they try and piece together what has happened to their order and why. Vader, who is getting used to his new armour and the powers of the dark side, is intent on tracking the survivors down.
Although the story in this book was good and I liked many of the new characters introduced (and enjoyed reading about old favourites who make cameo appearances) my main enjoyment came from a clearer understanding of characters motivations , perspectives etc. It explained a great deal about how the events in ROTS came about.
Also the relationship between Sidious and Vader was developed which was very interesting as it's something we've been aware of for years but knew little about.
All in all, I gotta thank Dave for getting me this for Christmas as I never would have read it otherwise.
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