I bought this issue on the basis of previews that I'd seen on CBR. Jeph Loeb is a good writer but I was really impressed by the art of Italian Bianchi. And it is stonking! The issue is one big fight between Wolvie and his arch-enemy but the artwork makes it so much more enjoyable than it had any right to be.
The back-up story (illustrated by Ed McGuinness) was fun as well. It concerned Wolverine looking back at his first meeting with The Hulk (his first appearance in Hulk #181). He recalls how corny he sounded. For example "I'm not your puny little man Hulk- I'm The Wolverine" commenting "The Wolverine. "The" Just in case you thought there were any more out there like me. The Wolverine. Canadians....." It tickled me anyway.
Overall, an enjoyable debut for the new team. Rating 8.5/10
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man # 16 by Peter David and Scott Eaton was also a fine read. It was the conclusion to a story re-introducing Debroah Whitman to the Marvel Universe. Whether she stays around for any time we'll have to wait and see. Old age finally caught up with the issue's villain The Vulture. It seems Aunt May is getting younger but the Vulture is getting older! It made it easy for Spidey to defeat him anyway which was original. I also liked the sub-plot concerning JJJ. He's not having the best time of it since Pete went public.
Rating 7.5/10
CBR has posted a list of the new Marvel comics on sale in May. Below are the which I'll get in addition to the regular ones. All Civil War tie-ins. I guess next month (June comics) things will settle down. Hopefully then I can do a list of my regular titles.
Written by JEPH LOEB Pencils and Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. Alternate Cover by MICHAEL TURNER
How has the fall-out of Civil War affected Captain America? One side won and the other side lost - but the aftermath may have hit some heroes harder than others. Now it's time to navigate this turbulent new landscape with the shield-slinging Super Soldier - and your guides are none other than Jeph Loeb and John Romita Jr. (ETERNALS)! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99 NOTE: Not actual title
Written by JEPH LOEB Pencils and Cover by DAVID FINCH Alternate Cover by MICHAEL TURNER
He's confronted the deaths of family and friends - but how will the passing of a fellow hero rock the Wall-Crawler? We know we're being secretive about these FALLEN SON issue descriptions, but it's Jeph Loeb, David Finch (NEW AVENGERS) and Spider-Man all dealing with life's greatest foe - so you know it's going to rock! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99 NOTE: Not actual title
Written by JEPH LOEB Pencils and Cover by JOHN CASSADAY Alternate Cover by MICHAEL TURNER
Can the Marvel Universe accept the death of a true hero? In the wake of a tragedy, we've visited the top heroes of the Marvel Universe, and now it all comes down this. The rockstar team of Jeph Loeb and John Cassaday (ASTONISHING X-MEN) bring it all home in the story that will have True Believers debating - and maybe even shedding a tear. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99 NOTE: Not actual title
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