I'll be doing some new comic reviews over the next few days and I'd thought I'd start with two comics both written by Dan Slott.
Dan quickly became one of my favourite writers when I discovered his She-Hulk work as the new series was starting. Since then every issue has been consistantly good as his plots, humour and vast knowledge of the Marvel Universe make the comics very entertaining to read.
She-Hulk #17 by Slott and Rick Burchett is no exception. It continues the story of Shulkie keeping things in check whilst her cousin is missing. She doesn't know that he's been blasted off the planet. This issue had loads of good moments from the slimey Stark chat up lines to the Nick Fury droids right up to the accidental reveal at the end.
Great stuff. rating 8/10.

There is a new cast of characters and some old faces too - fortunately some of the less well used characters, or at least, some that I'm not too familar with so that makes them fresh in my eyes. This will stay on my pull list as it's started off well but I wish Dan had been allowed to write more in the vain of his She-Hulk stories.
Rating 7.5/10
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